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History is the most important school subject (Эссе 2009- 2021)

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Татьяна Беннетт
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В статье вы найдете 2 варианта написания эссе для ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Тема об истории как о самом важном школьном предмете в школе предлагалась в вариантах ЕГЭ по английскому в 2020 году наряду с другими вариациями этой темы о важности разных школьных предметов. Центральное ключевое слово – the most important – требует особого внимания.

Пример 1


Many people think that the most important subject that pupils study at school is history. Others believe that it is not the most important school subject.


I agree with the second opinion. I think that history is not the most valuable school discipline. Firstly, schoolchildren have to take a few different exams at the end of their school studies and prepare for them. Even if history is among them, it is necessary to learn the other subjects too. Secondly, many subjects are important for all types of future jobs. For example, mathematics teaches pupils to think logically, IT is important for their digital literacy and art teaches pupils to be creative. All those skills are important for all types of jobs.


However, some people argue that history is the most important school subject. The reason is that it helps become an intellectual thinker.


I do not agree with that opinion. It is undeniable that schoolchildren should know the history of their country and the world and this makes them more intellectual, but they can learn history by reading books, watching documentaries and reading online articles. In addition, undeniably, history is not the only subject that makes people more intellectual.


In conclusion, I think that history is not the most important school subject. I have explained the reasons above.

(218 words)


Данная тема подробно разбирается на моем видеоканале Беннетт ЕГЭ английский.

Пример 2


Many people think that the most important subject that pupils study at school is history. Others believe that it is the most important school subject only for those pupils who are planning to study history at university.


I agree with the second opinion that history is the most valuable school discipline. Firstly, schoolchildren who have plans to study history at university have to take the final exam in this discipline and get the highest result. Secondly, they will not be able to study this subject at university successfully if they do not possess the knowledge of history from the secondary school curricular.


However, some people argue that history is the most important school subject for all students. The reason is that this knowledge makes society better because people do not make the previous generations’ mistakes.


I do not agree with that opinion. I think that the knowledge of history makes society better if politicians and country leaders make the right decisions and think of people.


To conclude, I believe that history is the most important school subject only for those pupils who are planning to study history at university.

(189 words)


Данная тема подробно разбирается на моем видеоканале Беннетт ЕГЭ английский. В видеоуроках можно познакомиться со всеми правилами работы с ключевыми словами, написания отдельных абзацев эссе для ЕГЭ по английскому языку и подборки противоположных мнений и мнения автора.
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