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The Internet is the greatest time-waster (Эссе 2009- 2021)

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Татьяна Беннетт
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Данная тема эссе предлагалась несколько лет назад в экзаменационных вариантах ЕГЭ по английскому языку, и она до сих пор является одной из самых сложных в блоке тем эссе ФИПИ по английскому языку. Прочитайте два сочинения ниже, обращая особое внимание на выбор мнений и аргументов.

Пример 1


Some people think that it is still better to obtain information from books than online. Others hold a different opinion.


I am totally convinced that the Internet is the major time-eater. It is worse in comparison to other time-consuming activities such as queuing or sitting in a traffic jam. Firstly, people often surf the net aimlessly for hours. They follow attractive online advertisements, look at pictures and read or watch videos about celebrities. Those activities are neither educational, nor a good rest or entertainment. Secondly, many people become addicted gamers. They play online games instead of doing homework, house chores or working. Most other unproductive activities take less time. According to surveys, many people spend two hours every day on commuting or sitting in traffic jams, but they spend four hours a day on surfing the net and playing games without any good reason.


On the other hand, some people think that cooking at home is the biggest time-eater. They argue that every day people spend hours on food shopping and cooking instead of going to a café or a restaurant. It is much more time than people usually spend surfing the net.


I do not agree with the above opinion. Homemade food cannot be bought and cooking has a purpose which results in having nice and tasty meals. Cooking is creative and productive and it saves money.


In conclusion, I think that using the Internet has the feature of wasting more time than any other activity. I have explained my reasons above.

(264 words)


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Пример 2


There are a great deal of unproductive activities which lead to wasting time. However, many people think that surfing the net is the most significant time-waster. Others believe that this idea is controversial.


I agree with the opinion that the net is the biggest time-waster. Firstly, unproductive online activities are addictive and people do not stop doing them although they understand that they waste time. For example, they can play computer games for hours and even during days and nights. On the other hand, all offline activities such as queuing, sitting in a traffic jam or commuting are unpleasant and people avoid them when they can. Secondly, people play games, read gossip and follow attractive advertisements online both at home and on transport and in queues. Thus, they lose more hours than when commuting or queuing.


On the other hand, some people argue that studying some subjects at school and university, which are not related to a future profession, is the biggest waste of time. For example, those who want to become engineers besides maths and physics learn languages, literature and history at school. They have unnecessary classes every day at school and do a lot of homework. As a result, they lose more time studying those subjects than doing any other wasteful activity.


I do not agree with the above opinion. People have to learn many different subjects to become well-educated professionals. In addition, if they change their profession in the future, a knowledge of other subjects is necessary.


In conclusion, I think that the Internet is the greatest time-waster. I have explained my reasons above.


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