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Distance learning is the best form of education (Эссе 2009- 2021)

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Пример 1


Some people think that e-learning offers the best process of studying. Others believe that e-learning is not the most beneficial method of education.


I support the first opinion and I believe that having online classes is the best method of learning. Firstly, having classes from home with assistance of educational platforms saves time. Students do not need to travel to and from schools and universities as they do when they have traditional classes. In the scenario of individual classes, a student usually does not have to travel to their teacher’s place. Secondly, online learning is the only form of education that allows students to continue their studies during a pandemic, when all schools, colleges and universities are closed. They cannot have real classes with tutors too, otherwise they can get infected.


However, opponents argue that distance learning is not the best form of education because it is boring. People do not have real life interactions when they study online.


I disagree with that opinion. I think that people communicate a lot when they meet friends and relatives, when they go out or play sport. In addition, when people study they have to concentrate on learning, not on socializing.


To conclude, I support the opinion that distance learning is the best form of education. It is better than traditional education or individual classes with a tutor at home.

(227 words)


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Пример 2 (сокращенный вариант)


Some people think that e-learning offers the best process of studying. Others believe that e-learning is a beneficial method of education, but it is not always better than the others.


Personally, I think that distance learning is a good form of studying. Firstly, it saves time. Secondly, it is helpful in the time of a pandemic. Thirdly, e-learning helps to make classes interesting because it offers a great deal of online video and audio materials.


On the other hand, opponents argue that distance learning is the best form of education because students study from home where the environment is quiet and cosy, whereas in schools, universities and colleges students are noisy and loud.


I totally disagree with that opinion. During lessons teachers control classes, students do their tasks and nobody disturbs them. In addition, when students have individual classes at home with a tutor, the learning environment is comfortable and quiet too.


In conclusion, I think that that e-learning is a beneficial method of education, but it is not always better than all the others.


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